
Hardware Startup Program

Design Engineer Build

Apply now to qualify for 150hrs of development services, worth $9999.

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However, the cost, time, and skilled-resource intensive product development pose a tough challenge for startups.
The IoT startup program from eLogicTech Edge is designed to address all such product design bottlenecks leading to high development costs and overpriced products. eLogicTech, a specialist in cutting-edge engineering services, brings expertise and enriched experience in product engineering, embedded systems development, and IoT solutions for several industrial sectors.

Addressing Hardware Startup Pain Points

From mechanical complexities to system automation, hardware-focused startups deal with technically demanding challenges. Additional challenges such as setting up a testing and prototyping lab, finding the right team as well as rapidly evaluating and iterating prototypes can make product development overwhelming for a new organization.

Key Challenges

Lack of exposure to product design

Infrastructure required for simulation and analysis

Prototyping and assembly cost

Go-to-market compliance checks and certifications

What Do We Do to Help
Get Past These Bottlenecks?

We help our partners’ engineering teams
nail down the fundamentals such as:

Identification of solid requirements

Access to the right talent

Product development strategy

Maintaining industry standards and quality

Flexibility to pivot product development efforts

Subsidized pricing and thus, cost savings

Core Services

Technology is our space, and the eLogicTech engineering team has always stayed ahead of the innovation curve to provide custom-developed embedded systems and IoT solutions for smooth operation and integration of products.

Edge Development Solutions

Our Edge development solutions help embedded products communicate real-time data within and outside of the ecosystem.

Wireless Communication System Development

Leveraging IoT solutions, we develop wireless communication systems that not only accomplish the functional requirements but seamlessly work with other products in the same space.

User Interface Development

With research on consumer perception and comfort in using products and their features, we design/develop UI/UX interfaces to make the interaction between the system and the user easy and natural.

Cloud Services & Integrations

Our IoT cloud integration services aid in managing data and devices and managing operations remotely.

Technology Consulting

Our technology consulting service includes native mobile app development, cross-platform app development, computer vision algorithm design, modular Bluetooth development, etc.

Our Process

of Finding the Right Solution

At eLogicTech, we follow a streamlined process to design and develop IoT Embedded Systems. The process flow can be as below with minor changes based on the scope and complexity:

Requirements Capture

Initiating from requirement capture gives us an idea of the product complexity and defines the product’s purpose and its functional model.

Solutions Architecture

With solutions architecture development, we decide on high-level hardware and software components to combine and ensure the performance of target functions.

Prototyping and R&D

After finalizing the concept, product prototype and testing help reveal functional issues and required adjustments.

Design and Specification

During the Design and specifications phase, the system architecture is further refined that is already validated through R&D and prototyping.

Development, Testing, and Validation

Then, the team proceeds with product development. And then for validation tests to comply with user needs, functionalities, safety, security, and intended usage.

Production Support

Our product support part includes spare parts procurement, manufacturing process setup, controlling defects during production, assembly, etc.

Why Partner with eLogicTech Edge

The Value-adds

Startups affiliated with our partner accelerator programs and all other
eligible startups will be given access to


hours of engineering service

valued at


of engineering resources

Adhering to all the standard industry practices, we proactively sign the necessary NDs with our clients and partners to ensure data confidentiality and security.

For transparency and quality control assurance, we have real-time dashboards for project management, such as Kanban boards. On top of it, after an initial 150 hours of service and utilization of credits, eLogicTech even offers a subsidized model based on both parties’ approval.