
User Interface Development Services

User Interface Development Services

The complexity of physical design, multi component with different interfaces, and the nature of IoT devices bring numerous challenges in UI/UX solutions development. eLogicTech Edge User Interface Development Services follows a coherent approach to overcome these UI/UX challenges for several IoT systems.
eLogicTech Edge UI development services provide personalized solutions for IoT applications for an optimum user experience and interaction with the device. Our UI/UX designers perform market research to understand users’ requirement, effectively address their needs, and develops an intuitive User Interface. eLogicTech Edge UI Development services help succeed your IoT project idea.

Our UI Development Services


UI/UX Design

The UI/UX design considers internet stability, platform fragmentation, usability, security & privacy, increased bandwidth usage, data capture and usage, and other factors. Our UI/UZ designs provide a coherent experience across the entire embedded system.


Interaction Design

Our interaction design process includes- needs identification, alternative design development, interactive design development, and evaluation. We consider architecture and behaviors per service and per device for a smooth interaction between users from a virtual system to a physical device.


Dashboard Development

We consider user design for dashboard development and ensure trouble-free data comprehension and management. The customizable dashboard designs help users select the information they see on the dashboard, such as time, status, map, and graphs.


Responsiveness Optimization

With responsive optimization service, we enable users to access information anytime and anywhere. Extensive testing across different browsers, tablets, and mobile make the dashboard responsive on whatever device, OS, or browser they work.


Native Application Development

Native applications give greater access to phone capabilities for a better user experience. The applications help meet your complex set of needs with numerous functionality. eLogicTech Edge develops native apps for specific platforms, like iOS and Android.


Cross-Platform Application Development

Cross-platform applications can run on different platforms and gives the user the same feel of UI and UX of the applications on different devices. The common code helps in easy maintenance of the product with fewer tests and deployment of fixes.


Benefits of eLogicTech Edge UI Development Services

    Personalized UI/UX Design

    Identifying the users helps us understand their needs, determine how each user should interact with our IoT solutions, and accordingly design UI/UX.

    IoT Technology Expertise

    Our IoT development team has in-depth knowledge of IoT platforms and protocols, such as Azure IoT hub, AWS IoT hub, TCP, BLE, etc., that help develop effective UI/UX applications and solutions.

    Customized Dashboard

    The team performs research before developing a dashboard, considering components to be presented, data receival and processing, protocols, gateways, etc., to give a personalized experience.

    Seamless User Experience

    The UI development services of eLogicTech Edge give a seamless user experience irrespective of screen size, resolution, and form factor.

Engage and Satisfy Your Users with eLogicTech Edge UI Development Services

IoT devices are becoming endemic in our lives, and the device UI/UX plays a crucial role in IoT advancement. eLogicTech Edge follows a holistic approach backed by extensive research for UI/UX design, dashboard design, and native and other application development.

Along with services like embedded software development, embedded hardware development, and wireless system development, approach our engineering team for personalized and seamless UI development services for your IoT products.
